Thesis and Effect: an e-mail scrap

My Thesis & Consequence, from email 2.Oct.98.:

Copyright 1998 by Dennis Mannisto

Consciousness, in my off-the-cuff current thinking is a structured non-material physical system that can autonomously/independently & volitionally [choice] act. And it can (along the lines of OBE-er Robt. Monroe) combine into yet another larger integrated structure by joining others the way cells combine into a multicellular organism. Monroe, e.g., reports a "non-physical friend's" claim that 6 billion people only make 6,000 "clusters." Naturally "the greater good" requires surrender of selfishness, as so many religious & political traditions misinterpret & manipulate. The complexity principles are crucial [for me] in explaining the emergence of consciousness, that it is a structured system, that it is independent, and for explaining the unmanageable apparent duplicity of mind-matter.

Today's politics and physical-level power plays and especially domination by money (which distracts consciousness from its purpose, & drains its energy), suggest to me something very much like cancer cells attempting to dominate/control an organism. Thus my allusion to the mitochondria / chloroplast exchange of O2 / CO2. It seems to me the infinitesimal-level of consciousness [maybe the Sarfatti/Bohm/Hiley sentient beable field?] has a similar rudimentary purpose, the higher forms of which (human & multi-human consciousness) all exist to serve. Kind of a cosmic respiration. This naturally brings all the chi-energy & Qi Gong, Reiki, etc. stuff to mind, not to mention the Genesis mate for the dust-bunny Adam: Eve=life=breath. My bibilo may or may not support the picture because insights can be easily found in the comics of any newspaper as much as in rigorous science. Regardless my hypothesis's reasonableness or lack, there is much to do simply in the living of life if I am even slightly correct.

List of Links

Elan: a poem: A piece related to my Central Thesis
A Sense of Oneness: Essay on proprioception for "Union with the One"

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dennis mannisto
United States